Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a Vogel Log App for smartphones?

Vogel Log does not have a smartphone app. Instead, it is made as a web application. Whether you're on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, Vogel Log adapts to your preferred device, ensuring universal access to your flight data. Say goodbye to the complexities of downloads, installations and updates.

Vogel Log is designed for simplicity ensuring your flight data stays synchronized seamlessly across all platforms, eliminating the hassle of managing different devices. Vogel Log prioritizes a straightforward, efficient experience. Just log in and you are ready for takeoff.

Can I import my flight experience from another logbook?

Yes, you can. Just send your flight history to in CSV-format and we will set you up.

Can I share flights with my fellow crew members?

Certainly! To share your flights with another Vogel Log user, follow these simple steps:

1. Add your buddy as crew. Make sure to include your buddy's registered email address in the Email field.

2. Have your buddy do the same. Ensure that your buddy adds you as crew and includes your registered email address.

Once you both are added to a new flight, you'll have the option to share the flight.

Can I log my previous flight experience as block times?

Yes, you can. To get your opening totals in place we recommend that you follow these steps:

1. Add one aircraft for each type you have flown.

2. Log one flight for each type you have flown (choosing that aircraft), with all the totals for that type.

3. Do the same for each simulator type you have flown.

Following this procedure will give you the best overview.

Do I need backups?

While using Vogel Log, you can rest assured that your data is well-protected. We understand the importance of safeguarding your flight information, and that's why Vogel Log employs a robust backup system. Our server service ensures frequent database backups, providing an added layer of security to your data.

But we go the extra mile – our team manually performs database backups at least once a week, reinforcing the reliability of your stored information.

Moreover, Vogel Log offers you the flexibility to export all your data to CSV files whenever you wish. This feature not only empowers you with direct access to your flight records but also serves as a personal backup method. CSV files are versatile and can be easily imported into various applications or platforms, giving you control and ownership of your data.

Additionally, Vogel Log allows you to generate PDF reports of all your data on demand. This feature enhances your data management capabilities, offering you a visual snapshot of your flight history whenever you need it.

In essence, while Vogel Log diligently ensures the security of your data through regular server backups and manual procedures, the ability to export to CSV files and generate PDF reports empowers you with an extra layer of control and accessibility to your valuable flight information.

What is the price for Vogel Log flight logbook?

Vogel Log is completely free to use during a trial period ending 2025-01-01.

During this period we would love your feed back and your suggestions for improving the features and the functionality.

After the free trial period Vogel Log will be affordable.

How can I end my subscription and delete my account?

If you wish to permanently delete your Vogellog account along with all associated data, send an email from your registered email address to

Subject: Account Deletion Request

By following this procedure, you help us ensure the security of your account and prevent accidental data removal.

Once we receive your email, our team will proceed with the account deletion process. Please note that this action is irreversible, and all your data will be permanently removed from our system.

Happy logging!

© 2024 Danconia AB